Research Interest

Research AimExplore the Unknown
But why, some say, the moon?
Why choose this as our goal?
And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain?
Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic?
Why does Rice play Texas?
We choose to go to the moon.
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
--- John F. Kennedy - Moon Speech - September 12, 1962


Connected and Autonomous VehicleIntelligent vehicle technologies;
Simulation and impacts analysis
Optimal and control method;
Big Data Analytics & StatisticsTransportation safety data analysis; Discrete choice modeling; Machine learning and artificial intelligence. I am also highly interested in the developing data mining technology.
Future Transportation SystemsI am highly interested in technologies which could change the future of the transportation. Including but not limited to: Intelligent transport system control; Sharing mobilities; Smart parking; Congestion mitigation..



In DevelopingCar follwing model for intellegent vehicles. paper1, paper2
In DevelopingCar pltooning technology for intelligent vehilcespaper1, paper2
In DevelopingRandom parameter discrete modelpaper1, paper2
DevelopedDiscrete choice model: logit model (MNL, MXL; OL, PPO)Clustering: Latent class analysis/clustering
DevelopedSpatiotemporal analysis: Spatiotemporal cube analysispaper1, paper2